Same day appointments.
We often have same-day appointments available for urgent visits like abortion, STI testing, and emergency contraception. Financial assistance is available. Call now for more information (406-730-8682).
office: 406.730.8682
fax: 406.224.6682
Monday: limited telehealth services
Tuesday: 8:30-4:30
Wednesday: 10:30-4:30
Thursday: 8:30-4:30
Friday: 10:30-4:30
Hours vary, please call or email to schedule for an appointment with a provider.
737 Spokane Avenue
PO Box 4027
Whitefish, Montana 59937
Parking and clinic entrance are found on the back side of the building.
Heading North on Spokane, turn Right on 8th Street to find our entrance.
We often have same-day appointments available for urgent visits like abortion, STI testing, and emergency contraception. Financial assistance is available. Call now for more information (406-730-8682).
737 Spokane Avenue
PO Box 4027
Whitefish, Montana 59937
Parking and clinic entrance are found on the back side of the building. Heading North on Spokane, turn Right on 8th Street to find our entrance.
© 2025 All Families Healthcare
Website & SEO By: Partners For Choice