Abortion Pill Near Libby, MT

At All Families Healthcare, we offer two safe methods of abortion: medication (pill abortion) or aspiration (in-office procedure) abortion. Pill abortion is a combination of two medications, Mifepristone and Misoprostol, which together induce a miscarriage. Some women choose the abortion pill because they prefer completing the abortion in the comfort of their own home and setting the timing of their abortion around their work, childcare, or life demands. The abortion pill near Libby, MT, can be offered by mail under certain circumstances.

With pill abortion near Libby, Montana, you take the first medicine, mifepristone, in the clinic. Then, 6-72 hours after swallowing the first abortion pill, you take a second medication, Misoprostol, at home. You return to the clinic in two weeks for an ultrasound to verify that the termination is complete and that the abortion pill did work. If the pill abortion fails (it is 97% effective), the pregnancy can be terminated with a second dose of medication or with an aspiration abortion. We will provide you with written aftercare instructions along with a 24-hour number where you can reach us if you have any questions or concerns.


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We offer private appointments with comfortable lodging available across the street. Financial assistance available. Call now for more information.